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High Energy Community Theory Days 4-7 November 2024 _________________

The aim of the “Journées Théorie de la communauté Hautes Énergies” is to bring together French astronomers and physicists interested in the theoretical aspects of high-energy astrophysics. These “Journées” are particularly important in the current context, which is seeing unprecedented growth in this area of astrophysics. Major experimental developments, both ground-based and in space with IXPE, Swift, Fermi, H.E.S.S., MAGIC, LHAASO, EHT, GRAVITY, Antares, KM3NeT, IceCube, Auger, LIGO, VIRGO, LoFAR, Meerkat, etc., have offered a new view of high-energy phenomena, which requires new theoretical developments and new numerical simulation tools for high-performance computing.

The programme will contain about ten review presentations (30mn) and around forty contributions (15mn). Presentations by the young researchers of this field will be strongly encouraged.

While face-to-face sessions are strongly recommended to enable researchers to interact with each other, it will also be possible to follow the conference remotely.

The deadline to register is 13 September 2024.

PNHE Days ___________________________________________________

SF2A workshop days ___________________________________________